Hoth Leia preview

12:30 at night doesn’t make for the best pictures, particulary with our horrid lighting in the kitchen, but I wanted to show that it’s basically finished.

Nearly finished - doing a test fit! I just needed to finish my rank | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Still got my rank badge, and arm thing (arm thing won’t be ready for this weekend, but rank badge will). Tonight I’ve got a couple of things I want to do: belt loops on the bodysuit, try to fix the neck on it, and maybe slightly dye the vest. I haven’t decided on that.
I cleaned the back of Belle up last night – the back of the dress was in bad shape from walking outside at Dragoncon. I’m going to wear it to the zoo either friday or saturday night this weekend.. maybe both since I’m not taking regular Leia, if we go both nights.
Other than that, this weekend, I’m taking Starfire (if I can find all the pieces), Slave Leia (just in case), my Mando (have yet to get around to my upgrades and fixes, oh well), and the nightgown if I get it finished enough tonight, which I doubt.

I’m stuck here at work a while longer, my car is in the shop getting an oil change and checkup today…